When to Move in With Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend? Do you spend your time wondering where he or she is, what they are up to, and how to tell them that you’re the new man or woman in their life? Even when you’ve been in a relationship for years, you may still get butterflies in your stomach when you know that “c” is at home. Here’s what you can do to better support your relationship with your new love after you’ve lived apart from your boyfriend or girlfriend for a while.
Before you move in together, have a heart-to-heart chat with both of you. Let them know that it’s time, and that you’ve made the decision together. Talk about the ups and downs of living together, and ask each other if this is something that you would consider stability? If both of you want this or not, it’s time to face the music, hon.

While you’re talking about the pros and cons of stability
Make sure that you emphasize the cons. What are the negatives of being in a relationship? What are the things that you love about your friends’ parents and the generosity that they bring to your life? Is it realistic to remain friends with your ex or is this still something you want to explore?
Once you’ve firmly decided that you need to be in stability, the next step is to open up your end of the relationship for communication. Talk about your good times, bad times, struggles and hopes for the future. Find out if there’s anything about your partner that you can see yourself still existing with long-term. If you need to, find out if they feel the same way about long-term.
Once you’ve made your commitment to be together forever, it’s time to transition
Don’t move in together yet, but make your home a little less yours. Give them a visiting space where they can be able to walk out and relax around; otherwise, if you’re not comfortable with this arrangement, you’ll have the opportunity to talk about the details over a glass of wine at a different time.

Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Before you do move in together, talk to your partner about your plans. Make sure that they understand, as you need to have the reassurance that they won’t feel discriminated against you less maMIty and unromantic. Find out what they would love to see you do in their house as well. What do they feel is ideal for a relationship and what do they need from you? Your partner should feel a sense of stability in the house, but don’t start moving in together until you are both comfortable with sharing your space.
If you’ve been in a long-term relationship for a while and you’re both really excited about the prospect of living together, you can be calculating with the careful process of discussing every aspect of your new living space. Talk about how you’ll build your space, organize your items, how you’ll cook, what accessories you’ll add, how you’ll do your dishes, and any other things that you can imagine would enhance the duet.
Don’t worry if the thought of splitting up Notes and stealing their boxes sends shivers down your spine. A great relationship takes time and effort to cultivate. Don’t fight the inevitable but remember: keeping your head on your Picasso is just as important.