How to Make His Feelings For You Worse Than They Are? You might notice that your man isn’t as affectionate as he used to be. If this is the case, and he still hasn’t listened to anything that you’ve said in the past, then it’s time to turn things around with these 7 awesome tips.
Brace Yourself.It’s time to face the facts. He’s officially not that fond of you anymore. If you don’t want him to stop being uninterested in you, then the best thing that you could do is for you to brace yourself.
What to Do When He’s Bored of You?Here’s the deal: when you feel that your relationship is getting smaller each day, just show him that you’re ready to seek adventure outside of the relationship. If you do this well, he’ll be shocked and suddenly, he’ll realize that he misses you a lot.

Make the First Move
Once he gets uninterested in you, it’s time to surprise him with the biggest surprise of all – that’s YOU. Make a move and start courting him all over again! This time, he’s sure to react to what you’re doing.
Brace Yourself.It’s time to get back at him
If he’s gotten too comfortable regarding the relationship that he thinks he can do without your loving gesture, then it’s now your turn to make him feel like it. But in order to make him realize that you want him back, you’ve got to show him that it’s not easy to be around you anymore. That’s why you’ve got to take the initiative now.
Make Your Point Huge
It’s no use just informing him that he really needs to make more efforts in the relationship. He has no clue that you’re just stringing him along. It would be better to make a full blown announcement that he has to improve his act.

Reel Him in Rather Than Shove Him Out
If you have to do the kicking and screaming, then do so. floods of unpleasant emotions should be the preferred method in discouraging a guy to listen to your pleas. It never works out well to be too quiet, too stubby or too tearful. It only proves that you don’t have enough guts to speak up for yourself.
Make His Reasons For Your Love Clear
Rather than making him demand what he wants to do as to make you listen or bring some change in the relationship, why don’t you try and consider his viewpoint? Is heannoyingalking to be any more annoying than your guy has been to you? Why don’t you show him how to please you?
Tell Him
The Things He Hears Yet Doesn’t See.Regardless of the amount of time you spend conversing with him – or even if you’re the one doing all the reaching out – tell him that you’ve been trying to tell him everything and hejust doesn’t seem to get it.
Be Polite
When he does eventually see you and try to say that he understands your side, let him know that he hasn’t yet begun to understand you. Let him know that it’s in his best interest that he sees things your way. Things like this will make him respect you and it’ll make him want to make the necessary changes in order to give you and your relationship a chance to start anew.
Be firm
If he keeps himself from advancing further into the relationship with you, then it’s but natural for you to let him go. Right after all, it isn’t his UN duty to take care of you. It’s really up to you to decide if he’s worthy of your love or not.