Attraction– It is not something you can grab at will. It’s more like a vibe that you must sink into. It filters everything you say and everything you do from super hot to ultra low. I was never able to seize attraction until I learned to tap into the very core of who I was and what I wanted from a woman.
Now, after almost having a full time job of creating the attraction, it is time to surf the wave. Building up the sexual tension is where it all begins. After you get a woman’s attention, it’s time to either move into physical interaction or ‘seize power’. That is the only way to create an unnecessary separation.
The core of almost all mating strategies is to actually create confusion, emotions and possibilities. This is where the difficulty lies and the biggest mindsets to adopt.From the simplest introduction to the most complex ones, confusion is at the core.

Attracting a woman is about being mysterious
I want you to think about what I just said for a few minutes. It is your life, your future, my fantasies that I have had, that have created the Every Daytons of men to have created.
Yeah, but… what does it all mean?
Right. About being mysterious, you cannot ever be 100% direct and honest with a woman. Telling her everything about you will divulge the information that you feel she needs to know.
You do not need to flaunt where you’ve been in your previous relationships. Blabbering will not do it either… but you better not do it. Especially when you are first starting out.
My core philosophy is ‘Never be about 100% tongue-tied or abrupt with a woman’. So be mysterious about your past and your plans for the future with this new woman and you’ll do fine.
My 3 C’s are:
- Compliment – a woman loves a man that can appreciate her
- Conversation – talk about things that engage the emotions
- Commitment – once you pass the 3 C’s you’ll get there

Pay particular attention to what this final statement does
I want you to create a frame where falling in love with you actually means something beyond the way you are behaving or what you are wearing.
No. This does not mean exhibit a ‘bad boy’ or be a man of loose morals. It does not mean steal her away with your money or tell her straight-forwardly that you want to get married. It does not mean stay vigilant and protect her at all costs. It does mean being a metaphor for life and who you are as a person. The words you use when talking about yourself must epitomize this frame.
It matters not how many million times of desperate men have wasted their lives wondering what makes a woman melt. All that matters is that you understand this point of view and its implications.
Aside from all this, whether the man is married, engaged, or has never been hit on in his life. Let me offer you these 3 tips of advice.
- Eye Contact – initiate from the front
- Body Language – Initiate from the side
- Intention – Test the waters and go for it
The last tip requires you to accept that there is no magic pill. It is all about how you are on the inside, and how you are on the outside, and if you’re enthusiastic enough you will be guided at will the results you desire.