Soul Mate Connections Are Not What You Want. Are you searching for that one person who completes you? Is your life filled with laughter and happiness but is lacking in romance and commitment? Does sex and commitment seem to be foreign concepts to you? Sometimes it seems so impossible that you can’t fathom how you can find true love. But there are success stories of happily married couples who did not feel as though they “fully embraced the fullness of one another until they met” later in life.

Soul Mate
Are soul mates meant to be?
That is a tough question that can be answered only by faith. It has been said that God does not teach some people to accept each other the way they are, but he teaches them how to be the best that they can be. One way to become a better person than before is to have an imagined mate with whom you can share the rest of your life. If you have a strong need to meet that perfect someone and were unable to do so before the age of 20, then your perfectionist mentality might need to be changed. It’s never been the goal of Western women to wait till marriage to find the man of their dreams. Their desire to find the right man is actually a healthy sign that they are healthy women. It means that they are dedicated and have a passion for life.
Before you jump to the conclusion that all your girlfriends or female co-workers have soul mates, do a deeper investigation. You don’t want tocknowledge the possibility that any man can be your true-life mate. That’s too narrow a focus Every man is not your true-life mate. Every woman is not your true-life mate. It’s just a cheap argument to prevent you from focusing on the job at hand: finding your soul mate.
You do have a primal need to relate with a man
You need a man to create the type of children that you desire; a family that you dream of. And yet you promised yourself (perhaps as a way of preventing wrinkling, headaches and sleepless nights) never to have sex, never to have children until you found Mr. Right. If you are really determined never to have sex, isn’t it reasonable to use abstinence as your overall dating strategy? That way when Mr. Wonderful does enter into your life, you’ll be prepared, bonded and willing to create and sustain a mutually supportive and loyal relationship

In today’s society, casual and uncommitted relationships are more acceptable than ever
On the Internet, you can still delight in the “old-fashioned” feel of meeting someone in a comfortable setting, without many of the added distractions of TV, Internet or texting. There’s still something undeniablyritz to meeting someone in person, for reasons that include learning about someone’s heart and help creating a potentially life-long friendship or relationship. But when is the right time? As a general rule of thumb, try starting a serious relationship several years after you first graduate college. respectfully discuss your hopes and dreams, and pursue sharing those dreams with the person you honorably agree to date. The happier and successful the relationship is, the more lasting and passionate the friendship will be. And who knows? It might just turn out to be the real-life Mr. Right you’ve been waiting for!