Like many singles, you might feel your dating pool has diminished over the years. This can be frustrating if you’re hoping to find someone with whom you can build a relationship.
You can do a few things to increase your chances of meeting new people and expanding your dating pool. For some practical strategies, we spoke with Melissa Hobley, the global chief marketing officer of OkCupid and one of their resident dating experts.
Start a new hobby
Whether it’s cooking, hiking, painting, or some other activity, a hobby is an excellent way to unwind, relax and connect with others. Plus, it can be a perfect opportunity to expand your dating pool, especially if you want a serious relationship or marriage.
The first step to starting a new hobby is to figure out what you enjoy doing in your free time. It can be as simple as taking an afternoon off to go for a walk or spending a day painting at home. You can keep a weekly time diary and track what you do and how you feel.
When you start a new hobby, you must identify what skills and abilities you need to learn to succeed at the activity. This will ensure you save money and time on something that won’t help you get where you want to be.
Once you’ve narrowed down your hobby to one you can commit to, the next step is to find a way to make it a regular part of your schedule. You can take a class, do it on your own or sign up for a group that meets in your neighborhood.
You can also search for classes online that offer lessons in your chosen hobby. Craftsy, for example, offers courses on many different types of crafts, like sewing and knitting.
Another great way to find classes is to check out your local library. They often have free lessons that will help you discover your interests.
Finally, consider buying a set of supplies to get started on your new hobby. If you’re learning a new skill, buying all the equipment and supplies you need can be expensive.
However, the value of these items can be worth the price in the long run. A beginner who has spent the time and money to learn a new skill will have a better chance of succeeding in their hobby, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Get active
Getting active is not just good for you; it can also help you meet new people. It cannot be easy to exercise if you are busy with work and family, but by planning your days, you can fit it in.
Pick a measurable goal, such as walking for 30 minutes or biking to work. This will motivate you to keep it up. Be specific and track your progress with a journal, website, or mobile app.
The best part is you can do this on your own without needing a gym membership or equipment. It may be easier than you think.
The most crucial part of any new fitness routine is a solid plan. This is especially true of activities requiring some degree of thought, such as yoga and tai chi. It’s also important to set some SMART goals, such as ensuring your workouts are fun and rewarding. The best way to accomplish this is to start small and be persistent, even when you have to push through the inevitable barriers that will arise. In the end, you will be glad you did! Hopefully, you can enjoy the newfound confidence and its many benefits.
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and build friendships. This is especially true if you are moving to a new area, as it can help strengthen your local community and broaden your social network.
Choosing an organization or cause that you are passionate about and that aligns with your values is crucial. This will ensure that you are volunteering with the proper organization and can enjoy the experience.
Getting involved in a cause that is meaningful to you can make a big difference in your life. It will give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment, boosting your happiness. This can also help you develop a stronger connection with fellow volunteers and increase your chances of finding the love of your life.
As a bonus, volunteering is often a great way to get physical exercise, which can help keep your body healthy and prevent chronic diseases like obesity. Some opportunities will require you to do physical labor, such as collecting litter in a park or lifting chairs to set up for an event. This will keep your energy levels up and reduce stress.
In addition to being more social, volunteering is a great way to build your resume and improve your career prospects. It can show employers that you are dedicated and have a strong work ethic, an essential trait in any job.
If you are a recent college graduate looking for your first job, volunteering is an excellent opportunity to test out different careers and build your contacts. You can also better understand the types of jobs available to you and the types of people who work in them.
Many volunteer positions involve working with other people, which can be a great way to meet new friends. It also allows you to learn more about different cultures and perspectives, which can only expand your horizons

It is essential to remember that while it may seem like a good idea to use general recruitment strategies for your nonprofit, this approach can be less practical than targeted recruiting. This means advertising volunteer opportunities on a website, sending out fliers, and using other marketing methods tailored to the group of people you want to recruit.
Meet new people
Getting out of your comfort zone and meeting new people is one of the best ways to expand your dating pool. It helps you make friends from different backgrounds and cultures, and it also enables you to build your social skills.
Another great way to meet new people is by joining a hobby class or club. Whether you’re into dancing, singing, or even knitting, plenty of groups in your area cater to your interests.
For example, if you’re into public speaking, a group in your town or city might meet once a week to practice their skills. You’ll be familiar with the other members, so starting a conversation and hanging out with them will be easy.
If you’re interested in traveling, it’s also a great way to meet new people and expand your social circle. Besides, you can always return to the places you’ve visited and see if any of your new friends are still there.
It’s essential to keep an open mind when meeting new people because everyone has their way of seeing things. It can be not very comforting at first, but you’ll find it’s worth the effort if you can learn something from them.
Likewise, it’s helpful to take part in local festivals and events. Despite their reputation for being odd, they’re a great place to meet new people and make lasting connections.
You can also meet new people by joining your city’s sporting leagues or teams. Whether you’re into baseball, soccer, or any other sport, it’s an excellent place to meet people from all walks of life.
Finally, checking out local libraries and bookstores is a great idea. These are great places to meet people with a genuine interest in books.
It’s also a great idea to join professional networking groups and participate in meetings focusing on helping others. By donating your time and energy to these groups, you can find like-minded professionals who will help you on your path.