Although love is a very strong emotion, it can also turn to hate, especially in the case of boyfriends. If you have been suffering from unrequited love, you should do all you can to have your boyfriend understand that your feelings are undergo’ an extreme transformation.
Make him feel that you don’t need him anymore
By avoiding your boyfriend and never being available for him, he is likely to feel that he no longer needs you. He is sure to become possessive about you in the process.

Make the challenge irresistible
The more difficult it is for him to win you over, the more he will try to do so. Make the chase so thrilling that he is bound to take you for granted in the end.
Remind him that you consider him one of your most important assets
Tell your boyfriend how important he is to you and that he is the only person who can make you happy. This will make him feel secure and loved in the relationship. Once he knows that you adore him and he truly cares about your happiness, he will never take you for granted again.
Make him feel free and content with you
When your boyfriend is happy with the way things are in the relationship and is also satisfied with you, then it is natural for him to begin to take you for granted. If you make him aware of the fact that you too need to be pampered and loved – he is sure to stop taking you for granted.
Make him enjoy your company and never make him feel trapped
While dealing with the issue of making him take you for granted do not turn into a doormat or lose the charisma that makes you such a wonderful person to be with. Instead surprise him with your confidence and loving manners Appreciate.
Don’t be over needyIf you go around calling him all the time and bawling on his shoulders, it is sure to stroke a part of him. But if you are needy and clingy and try to demand all his time he is going to sense too much pressure and grow wary of you. Leave him to enjoy your company and do things with his other friends.

Never be intruding and controlling
When you feel that your boyfriend has becoming monotonous in your relationship, then it is but natural for him to begin to take you for granted Appreciate. Don’t step in vain and try to clip his wings. Instead give him his space and be genuinely interested in doing some activities minus the ulterior motives.
Dash his desire to date others
Your boyfriend might be Mallick, however, you don’t want him to think that you no longer want him and continue to pursue him. In case he realizes your ultimate plan to date others, he will Hesitate to take you back or get involved with you once more as he is not sure of your feelings for him.
Be assertive in your relationship with himInstead of trailing behind him and being in a relationship mask, work to assert your claims in the relationship and feel confident in the relation. Tell him frankly that you want to be committed and accept him as your partner.
Take ownership of your part
While making him take you back would be difficult for you do it as you take ownership of your mistakes. When you do so he will realize your value and Welcome you back latter By putting your pride and blame at stake in the process.