Guy Call You – Women resent having to wait for a man to call her-or call her back-whichever the situation may be. It is one fact of dating that women spend minutes if not hours waiting beside the phone and they jump at the first ring! Most women let this frustration build until they nearly give up on ever seeing the man again.
You would know that you’ve gone too far if he finally called you back but only to say, “Hello?”
If he said, “Hello”, then you were definitely successful in luring him back to you. But if he said nothing, then things are definitely lost. But don’t be too worried because there are ways to make him call you back again Read Scam.

Here’s how:
Wait for some time
If you’ve already given him your number and he said that he would definitely call you back, then it was just a matter of time before he did. The nature of the beast is such that, even if he starts to feel like he has to chase you once again in order to have you, he wouldn’t have much of a choice.
It’s time for some separation
It’s no good just calling once again and again asking if he got your number. He won’t do that unless he’d wanted to speak with you for quite some time. Separation would do you a lot of good. It would make him realize that you don’t exactly need him anymore and your silence should make him feel alone guy call you.
Be cool at all times
You will only appear desperate in his eyes if you keep calling him. Just fall silent and he would surely call back.
What shock him still more
What this man has to realize is that he may have left quite an impression on you. Perhaps, he hasn’t even been a discerning man when it comes to your relationship. He didn’t see much of what you had to offer so he left. That should make him realize that he just zoned out because your company was starting to become drab.

Guy Call You
Never, ever, reschedule a date
He has to be chasing you once again if you agreed to go on a date with him last time. And it’s only a matter of time before you receive another invitation from him.
Make yourself beautiful so he will become jealous
Pile on the makeup, moisturizers, and fine perfume and stunning outfits. Show him that other men are also falling in line just to have a moment to be with you. Apply unconventional tricks like hot kissing and even hot naked dancing if you must. This should make him jealous enough to make him jealous for a third and a fourth time.
Be cool and casual when he calls
He just called because he wants to make sure that you are okay. Don’t show signs of extreme worry. And when he asks how you are, don’t give him the usual answers. Tell him that you’re cool, as if he hasn’t done anything to make you mad. Talk about something fun, extraordinarily sexy, or anything that would make him more anxious to hear your voice.
Laugh things off
Perhaps he’s being too noisy when he’s being jealous. If he gets this reaction from you, it’s more than obvious that you also jilted him. Take a good look at him with a dispassionate voice and share a laugh. Tell him that he’s distantly surprised-and that should be the end of things as far as he’s concerned. Remember that the more obvious he acts, the more he hurts you.